Eureka! Science and Discovery Centre was a huge illustration project taking over a year to fully realise (an 8 year project in total) commissioned during the pandemic with the goal of creating a fun and engaging educational space for visiting families. The Home section of the centre is on the first floor and in this series of images you will see the outside space before you venture inside the home. These are a series of connected wall murals with interactive elements for public engagement.

Eureka! Science + Discovery is designed for children and young people up to 14 years to discover how Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) influence and shape their lives. Through connecting the everyday with the extraordinary, we ignite curiosities and present possibilities.

Park Scene

Eureka! Park scene - (reading left to right) this is the first in a series of large scale wall murals for the outside of the ‘home’ area in the Eureka! Discovery Centre

allotment scene

As you continue to walk around the space you move into a busy allotment scene.

Allotment wall in situ with three dimensional elements in position to show how we can support ecosystems.

Cityscape scene

Continuing around the corner from the allotment you reach the cityscape scene - this wall has 6 interactive sections within a printed plywood display. The viewer is invited to look in windows and open up buildings to reveal what might be happening.

Front Garden

Moving out of the cityscape into a quiet residential street we arrive at the front garden of the ’HOME’.

Garden fence

Garden fence wall - designed to help guide people into the indoor section of the ‘HOME’.

Next area to visit is the inside of the Eureka! Home.


Belsay Hall & Gardens


Eureka! Nature Diversity