“Mycelium Paradise” is a series of illustrations that invites the viewer to explore a utopian world of rounded architecture, towering giant mushrooms, and an atmosphere of psychedelic dreams and fantasy. Driven by a deep rooted sense of home and belonging, this series of images presents an alternative reality where harmony, imagination and natural wonders intermingle, living in a utopian harmony. A work in progress, each illustration stands as a potential doorway into another world, a fantasy but a believable fantasy. Rounded architectural structures merge into seemingly giant mushroom forms with a suggestion of sentience. As with much of Scully’s other work the use of scale works to evoke a sense of awe and wonder, hopefully nudging the viewer of the possibilities that can be realised in a utopian world that strives to be better, to live better.
Poster Artwork created for the Burning Hell Band.
32 full colour pages printed on Tintoretto Gesso stock, 102mm x 152mm.
Outer Wilderness: the third journal of a sequence of events that occurred over a vast period of time in an undefined region of deep space.
Outer Wilderness is the conclusion to a long term project which has interrogated our relationship with physical and emotional environments. In this book we look out into the depths of the universe. The viewer is invited to investigate the unfamiliar and potentially hazardous landscape of these projected unknowns.
Each landscape forms part of a mysterious journey across a universe of strange worlds of undiscovered life. Touching on a primal curiosity for adventure and the inevitable childlike desire to poke things with a big stick to see what they do.
Parkland is an ongoing series documenting the meeting between nature and the urban landscape. Observing the interaction and relationship people have and their effects on urban geography. Moments of anarchy, whitewashed and removed or left to decay slowly, becoming the white noise on the periphery of everyday. Time passing, moods change, Brexit, Extinction Rebellion, Black Lives Matter & Covid-19.
Illustration for a beautiful short story titled ‘Saipan’ by Dave Gregory in issue 12 of Firewords Magazine
Fevral looked upon the land. Illustration for a folklore project exploring the creation of myth and legend by Stewart Easton.
Available to buy as a print HERE.
Sometimes I find myself in a rather inane spot just standing, like an involuntary act of mindfulness, or maybe it’s total mindlessness? either way I get a strong sense of calm when noticing the stillness of these moments.